When installing our S Range S100 channels there is an option to use channels with a built-in fall (slope). WHY? By installing the channels with a slope the velocity of the water within the channels is increased which encourages self-cleansing, which could mean less frequent maintenance. Also, sometimes the gradient of the land requires the channels to have a fall to encourage the water to flow to the outlet.
Our S Range S100 Sloping channels start with a S1 channel which is 137mm falling to 143mm deep overall (112-118mm invert) and continue to a S30 channel which has an overall depth of 311mm falling to 317mm (286-292mm invert). Each 1000mm long channel falls 6mm (0.6% gradient), so a continuous sloping run could be up to 30m long with a maximum 180mm drop over the 30m length. It is possible to extend this length by including constant depth level invert channels at certain points within the run, for example:
2 x S100 S01, S100 S1 to S4, 2 x S100 S05, S100 S5 to S9, 2 x S100 S010, S100 S10 to S19, 2 x S100 S020, S100 S20 to S29, 2 x S100 S030, S100 S30 would provide a sloping run of 40m.
Please note, the S100 sump unit is only designed to connect to specific sloping channels within the S100 range, S4, S9, S14, S19, S24 and S29 in addition to all constant depth level invert S100 channels.
Please note, constant depth level invert S100 channels can only connect to specific sloping channels:
- S100 S01 can only connect to S100 S1
- S100 S05 can only be installed between S100 S4 and S5
- S100 S010 or S110J can only be installed between S100 S9 and S10
- S100 S020 or S120J can only be installed between S100 S19 and S20
- S100 S030 or S130J can only be installed between S100 S29 and S30
For an overview of the different invert types available in our S Range, please refer to our article “Channel Invert Types” for further information.
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